2006年1月24日 星期二

CSS Layout Techniques

CSS Layout Techniques

write html without "table" tag - 學習CSS排版的網頁

Restore CA failed (0x80090003)

結果還原CA時發生錯誤,錯誤訊息為 "機碼錯誤 0x80090003"

後來在 DanPark's WebLog 找到解答:

Restoring Certificate Authority server fails with bad key problem

After you back up a CA private key and database, if restore task fails with bad key error (0x80090003), then you might need to import the root CA key when you install the CA server by checking "Use custom settings to generate the key pair and CA certifcate", then "Use an existing key" which allows to browse a key file to import.


1. When you restore CA database, it expects the same CA storage path. By default, CA creates the database and log files under c:\WINDOWS\system32\certlog. When you restore to another machine, it should have the same path.

2. Enabling debug logging

- certutil -setreg ca\debug 0xffffffe3

Log files are in %systemroot%\cert*.log